
#MeToo . What next?

اسلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاته. It is indeed​ horrifying to come across so many cases of sexual assault in the most sacred of places on the planet. Take this from someone who grew up in Saudi Arabia.I used to visit Makkah a lot. Alhamdulilah for the blessing And I too had a few encounters of the kind you all have mentioned. I need you all to understand something. Today evil is widespread, and no place is safe for women. I know it's awful to read that , but it's the truth. There are people who do not fear Allaah and Shaytan gets to them easily.They blur the boundary lines set by our Creator despite being in the most harmonious and holy places in the world. Now , they will face Allaah on the Day of Reckoning and He shall handle their affair in the best of manner. However we shouldn't let the act of few people bring a scar on our honour as Muslim women. Here are a few things that I think one should do when they encounter any such activity in the future. A

Half way the Journey

You open your eyes slowly and squint them as you see all lights shining upon you, you slowly open them and realise that you are in a room of pearls , diamonds and gems , your heart thumping louder by the minute and then suddenly you read a note lying on the ground beneath your cold feet ,it says  You have exactly 30 minutes to collect whatever you like And you see a beige bag which is mocking at you for wasting a second for admiring its beauty and you turn towards the treasure with determined eyes.. Assalamualaikum everyone, First of all , Ramadhan is  a month of blessings .  Well ,  among the many benefits of this holy month I notice that the best one is the constant increase in the level of Taqwa as each day passes. The above vivid dream is actually a scenario which we are facing , I know it sounds weird but that is how it is actually,we have very less time and we have to collect all the blessings before the time is up! Allaah azzawajal said in the Holy Quran

Battling with ownself

Assalamualaikum everyone. Jihad..Often mistaken for holy war is all over the media . We Muslims often forget that the the first and most important jihad ( which means struggle) is with our own self. Battling with temptations and refraining from other worldly desires takes a lot of courage and determination. We are lucky enough to be chosen by Allaah to be Muslim and even more lucky to get the teachings of our religion. Now the real winners are those who implement those teachings in this life! Be it songs , or mixed gatherings we all fall prey for Shaytaan's tactics at some or the other point of time . Islam is perfect ,it's us that make it complicated and difficult For us Muslimahs the common battleground lies in backbiting. Another problem I see is the inappropriate dressing of fellow sisters and the worst part is they consider it freedom which is very unfortunate. My dear sisters,believe me when you cover up for the sake of Allaah ,you get benefits that last fo